Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hey Sport?

How many ways does one need to explain that there is a difference between a sport and an activity? Take the emotion of the fan out of the equation and look at the facts: sports and games are two different animals. Yes, games are a part of sport, but not vice versa.

No one throws a rook at the king to call checkmate. One does throw a ball to another person to complete a play. Swimming is an activity that can be timed, and so can a sprint. They race the same thing. A clock.

When was the last time a guy took the bump looking at his watch to see if he has to face Manny? Who throws a better ace: the lady at the card table or the SF Giants with Lincecom on the mound? How many checkers can a guy lose before he gets pulled by his manager?

Hunting isn't a sport. If it were it'd be called killing. It's an activity to get you away from the wife! Spelling Bee? Don't get me wrong I'm awful at it, but I've never cried about it. But baseball...yep.

Keep playing spades, dominoes, and all the games you can play with an adult beverage in your hand. Your paycheck doesn't depend on it. And for the majority of us that's why we play - activities - not sports.

PROFESSOR’S NOTE: I needled Whitey into starting this thread so I could expand upon it. There is at least one website dedicated to this idea [HERE] and numerous threads on other sites. I didn’t like any of them, most likely because I’m full of myself. So soon to follow will be a few of our guidelines to rule your sporting life.

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