In the midst of fun and fantasy, J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels make witchcraft appear cool and exciting, especially to teenagers. It doesn’t matter that these novels are only “fictitious stories.” Stories are powerful. They influence both individuals and society. Just look around. “Wicca” (a religion that practices witchcraft) is exploding in popularity among kids, teens and adults. Even nine-year-olds are frequenting Wicca websites, lighting candles, casting spells, joining covens, and practicing so-called “white magic.” The Harry Potter craze and Wicca’s growing popularity go hand in hand. Harry’s last name is “Potter.” A “potter” molds clay, which is exactly what’s happening. Make no mistake about it, the Harry Potter books (along with other magic-made-fun films and TV series like Charmed, Buffy, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch) are whetting kid’s appetites to check out real witchcraft. The biggest danger is witchcraft itself, whether “black” or so-called “white.” Unknown to Wiccans themselves, it’s all a doorway to the demonic. Witchcraft itself (and the supernatural forces behind it), this is what’s wrong with Harry Potter.[SOURCE]Oh yes, Mr. Potter and his magical cohorts are seducing your children, enticing them into a world of black magic (is there any other kind?). Instead of building nice Lego towns your child will be erecting towering shrines to Satan, sacrificing the family pets in the fireplace.
Avoid Harry Potter. Don’t buy the book. There are much better things for our kids to read. My wife and I have a three-year-old son who loves stories. Daily we read to him stories that teach lessons about honesty, purity, truth-telling, respect for parents, and faith in God. In Harry Potter, teenage Harry lies a lot, break rules at Hogwarts, curses, throws temper tantrums, and even drinks “firewhisky” (he’s an underage drinker). Instead of Harry Potter, our ministry (White Horse Media) recommends John Bunyan’s immortal classic The Pilgrim’s Progress which teaches character-building lessons about the dangers of sin, repentance, faith in God, walking on the narrow road, resisting the devil, and preparing for heaven. None of these lessons are found in Harry Potter.[SOURCE]What is this 1510? We should have a book burning during Sunday Mass. Father Joe should hang freshly slain lambs on all our stoops to ward off the evil gnomes. I heard garlic's good for this sort of thing. And Inquisitions.
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"Cows, as well as bulls, have four legs and a natural instinct to run," says their manifesto. "An encierro [what the bull-runs are called] for cows, would put Pamplona at the vanguard of traditional fiestas with equality for men and women."
[Range balls are] so hideous that [they] won't be pilfered by customers. In fact, the garish colors or racing stripes are intended to discourage customers from stealing the balls for use on the golf course. Theory being that a range ball would be instantly recognized if used in play and would bring shame to the cheap golfer who tried to use it.
That said: Keep one or two in your bag for use over a water hazard. If it lands in the hazard you won't feel so bad. And you won't hold up the group behind you trying to fish it out. Of course, you cannot do this in tournament play. But among your regular weekly foursome, who's going to complain?
We have a rule in our foursome. If you substitute a range ball on the fairway to go over a water hazard you must finish the hole with it should the ball not go in the water.
A friend of mine and I were recently joking about going to the range, getting a basket of balls, carrying it to the car and dumping them in the trunk. I'd never considered taking the car to the balls...
Is He Normal?
This little ditty let's them know if you are just like the rest of us or a freak of nature. Mostly stats which I have no idea how they compiled, like, "Number of books the typical guy has read in a year?" 8. The best is a quote from one Ryan Clancy concerning what women don't get about men: "Guys can think about nothing. Often it's dead up there, like a test screen on a TV." Often, Ryan? You're not supposed to shove the Q-Tip all the way in.
I'm tired of this. If your girl picks this issue up, or you see it in the mailbox, do yourself a favor - get a tattoo and plan a bachelor party. When's baseball come on?