People will wonder aloud if the Spurs are a dynasty, and I would have to say so. I watched Jordan grow from his rookie year, in which he had no help. Through the baseball years, through his retirement, and his return to the Wizards. That's the closest thing to Lebron I can think of. Jordan went to the Wizards as a basketball god. He had as much help there as James does in Cleveland. None. How did that work out? Not so good.
For as much as we think that Lebron is the next coming of Mr. Jordan, we forget that it took him getting a guy named Pippen before he got a ring. Sure, give Lebron an Agent 0, or Kevin Garnett, and he'll get his rings. Until then allow him to grow up and into his own. Let him drop 60 on some team and lead The Sporting News on a next deity chase. In this world we forget that the man we think of as the greatest [insert name here Bird, Magic, or one of your own] wasn't the man until he had a sidekick. Let's just hold off the coronation until Lebron gets his own Robin.